Friday, December 14, 2007

Lights are on

The headlights on my car were out. Yep, both of them. So I had to stop by the auto parts store to buy more lights. This is one of those chores I dread, that and buying windshield wipers. I really hate this because you have to go and search through that book that they hang there by the shelf for your car to find the cryptic code and then match that code to some label on the shelf -- after I refer back to the book three or four times to make sure I have the right one.

This time was different. When I walked into the store, Cody (I assume his name was Cody because it was embroidered on his shirt) asked if he could help. "I need headlights" I tell him. Much to my surprise, rather than pointing to the big book o' headlights over on isle five, he asks me "year, make, model?"

"2002 Volvo s40 please" I reply.

"You need an H7."

By this time I see where the headlights are and start walking in that direction to find my H7. "Thanks!" I tell him. Before I knew it, Cody was out from behind the counter and had located my parts for me. Then he walked me back to the counter, rang me up and asked if there was anything else. I walked out of there in less than five minutes and felt like if I had asked him to install the damn things for me too, he would have.


1 comment:

Moyer said...

I have to agree, it's a nice feeling when someone cares to help out make your day a little bit easier. Only if there were more people with a gift of kindness to help others, I think there would be a lot less chaos in this world we live in today.