Monday, November 26, 2007


publixpilgrims2_thumbnailWhen I walked into the house on Wednesday and was accosted by by the smell of Thanksgiving preparations in the kitchen it finally sank in that it is indeed November and Holiday Time is upon us. I was thankful for a wife who loves me so much and who breaths so much holiday spirit into our home.

On Thursday our table looked as if it had sprung from a TV commercial -- right down to the Publix salt and pepper shakers. A huge table with 18 people around it passing food around all smiles and great conversations. I just watched and thought about how thankful I am for my family and friends.

On Friday we went to EPCOT for the Candlelight Processional. This will hopefully be the tradition that X remembers and carries on when he starts his family. Judging from his reaction this year, I'm sure this will be the case... he seemed to become possessed by the music, from conducting the orchestra during the overture to dancing during the choir's third number. He was raised to such a level that he exhausted himself, and finally turned around, laid his head on my shoulder and went to sleep. I'm thankful to have such a wonderful, happy and healthy child.

I really have so much to be thankful for, and I try through-out the year not to take these things for granted. There are days when the Mrs. and I just look at each other and say "we are so lucky." I see people at work, or watch the news, or hell, just driving down the street, who would be happy to live the worst day of my life rather than live the best day of theirs.


Natalia said...

Profound. And true.


SS said...

So sweet. You are indeed a lucky guy.

Love the salt and pepper shakers. I have them too - got them as a present from Ray actually - but I've never used them. Maybe next year...