Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Please Don't Think I'm a Dick...

...when I turn all condescending after you've asked me the same question - changing your words ever so slightly - three times in a row. No matter how you ask, the answer will still be the same. I have a fairly firm grasp of the English language, so you won't be able to trick me into changing my answer.

...when I roll my eyes at you because you over simplify things, or think I can do magic or something. If you are getting ready to say to me "why don't you just..." then you must think you know better how to do my job, in which case, you can have it.

...when I see you coming and I turn and walk the other way. I was raised this way - dad always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, to say nothing at all. My walking the other way is a precautionary measure to prevent me from opening my mouth and quite possibly doing you sever psychological damage. You should really thank me, and ask yourself why I have such disdain for you.

...when I get all huffy about a 16:55 meeting for something that could certainly have waited until tomorrow morning. You see, my time is valuable to me, as is yours. I'll do all I can to respect your time, please do the same for me. This goes for calling me as well. Expect attitude if you call me at 18:30 to ask me the seating capacity of the conference room upstairs. That CAN WAIT until morning, when I'm at the office.

...when I don't call you back simply because you showed up on my missed calls list. If it was important, you should've left a voice mail.

...when I bring out the techno-babble because you ask me why something needs to be done a certain way or prod me about why your pie in the sky "FM" suggestion will not work. I do try to shield you from this because you invariably just look at me like I'm a dick for giving you the technical answer.

...when I laugh at you because you've told me you need a favor and then tell me to call you to find out what it is.

...when I tell you I'm fine thank you even though you didn't ask, you just started your complaining straight away as if I'm a machine just taking in your inputs. Guess what, I'm a person too, so when you call me start off with "Good morning, this is whoeverthehellyouare, how are you?" We will get off on the right foot that way. I know you don't care how I am and you just want your problem solved, but still, it is the nice thing to do.

...because I'm not. Actually, I'm very laid back and easy to get along with. Take a little time to get to know me and you'll see. Oh, and I'm sure that there is more than one thing on this list that bothers you too.


SS said...

What I hate is when I leave someone a voicemail explaining why I'm calling and then they call me back without even listening to my message and say "I saw you called. What's up?" You would have known if you listened to the carefully worded message I left... now I have to waste my breath saying the same thing all over again.

Paul said...

SS - OMG! That pisses me off too. I've gotten to where I just say "hey, it's Paul, hit me back"

Natalia said...

Ummm my students just call back and say:

"Hi. I have a problem. Please call me."

No name. No number. No idea.

And then I am not a caring teacher cause I didn't call back.

Oh and I agree that you are laid back and easy to get along.
