Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Bert is about 5'5", pushing 130 pounds and his security guard's uniform is just too big for him. You can see where the pants bunch up between the belt loops while his belt holds them up and his shirt hangs on him like a drape. He has curly brown-gray hair that sticks out under from his hat all over the place. His big blue orbs kind of bulge out from his head. I don't know a whole lot about Bert, but I like him. He is the last part of work I see as I leave everyday, and in many cases he is the last impression our customers have of our company.  

Occasionally there is a line to get out and I have an opportunity to watch Bert work. This guy is amazing -- poetry in motion. Every move he makes has a purpose, nothing is wasted. I wonder if sometime someplace he studied Scientific Management because it really looks as if he has taken the time to thoroughly study his task and determine how to make doing it as efficient as possible.

While doing this overly complicated (by design) task, over and over and over, Bert smiles the whole time. When it rains, there's Bert, in his rain coat, smiling. 100 degrees outside, sweaty Bert smiling. Freezing outside, Bert bundled in his parka standing next to the roaring jet engine industrial heater...smiling.

Bert never complains. He may comment that he's had a busy day, or that some piece of equipment isn't working, never a complaint. What gets me though is that this guy, with one of the most thankless jobs in the company, still finds a way to do his job. When customers bitch at him, he doesn't get upset, he moves on. When his equipment doesn't work, he makes due until it is fixed.

Bert is one of the few people I can count on at my job. I know that every day he will greet me with a smile as I drive to the gate and as he waves me through, tip his hat and bid me good night.


Natalia said...

It's all about attitude. I always say it's 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal and what you do with it. Bert makes lemonade. Other people cry because they've got lemons. I like people like Bert.

There was a show on one of those 20/20-type programs where they showed two men, one was a middle-aged trash collector and the other one was a young-ish CEO. The trash guy had a happier life than the CEO.

Happiness is a choice, methinks.


Paul said...

Agreed. I know I had a bad attitude today, at least until I finished writing that. Made me remember that I am the only one who controls my attitude -- no one else. I decide if I am going to allow everyone else's garbage get me down.

To lemonade!


Natalia said...

Here here! *raises imaginary lemony margarita*
