Monday, October 15, 2007

My Carbon Footprint

reduce_carbon_footprintI was listening to the the radio this morning and the DJs were discussing replacing their incandescent lights with fluorescent ones. Reducing the carbon foot print. I need to do this at home myself, I guess it is a matter of making the time to do the research, go to Home Depot and then install them.

My other project is to work on the Mrs. She only seems to know how to place the light switch in the on position. When I wake up in the morning the bathroom lights are on, as are those in the kitchen. Then she has the audacity to complain about the electric bill. She is the bigger challenge in reducing our footprint.

And this is important. I wonder what kind of world my son will inherit  from us -- or hell, we any of us even survive to see what the world looks like as a result of what man has done?

It scares me that the world is closer to disaster than it is to recovery, particularly because major changes we make today will not be seen for decades.

It is time people. I'm making my commitment to address those things I can control - the way my family and I use energy. Do the same in your home! We can all make a difference and small changes can accumulate into something huge.


SS said...

He he he he he he he. Okay, okay, I KNOW this post isn't funny. But (he he he he he he) all I can think about is that one time in grad school when our prof spent like three whole hours talking about light bulbs. Remember? How she's scared of them and hates changing them and she needs a special device to change the one in her entryway where the ceiling is super high... and how she buys some that last super long... and on and on and on and on about lightbulbs. And meanwhile we're all using the IM to talk back and forth and laugh at her. I think it was the same lady who accidentally said "it doesn't mean twat." He he he he he he. Memories...

As for your post, saving the world is good. Thank you.

Paul said...

That was her alright...Poor lady, we laughed our asses off at her, hell I still laught my ass off just thinking about it!

Natalia said...

I had the same thought about the light bulbs!

I pledge to move to a city where I don't drive.


Natalia said...

Ummm, I know you are busy, but you must feed the masses. More blogging?
