Count 'em, seven days sailing on the sea. Ahh. I think a cruise is one of the best, most relaxing vacations you can take, and Disney Cruise Lines does it best. Spacious staterooms, and a ship that is simply elegant from stem to stern make your stay on this ship better than any resort I've ever stayed in.
We took the seven day Western Caribbean cruise. Key West, Grand Cayman, Cozumel and Castaway Cay. It was a blast...
Key West
On Sunday we were in Key West. We were scheduled to arrive at the port late in the morning so I scheduled the "Exotic Rasul" treatment at the spa. At least this way the Mrs. would still have some sort of surprise. This was a treatment for two so I thought it would be nice. Yeah, NO. This was the only part of the trip that SUCKED. You were sent into this room/shower where we were to:
1. Rub this salty concoction all over one another, then
2. Go stand in this steam room for five minutes, then
3. Go shower off
4. Rub some mud stuff all over one another, and
5. Repeat steps two and three.
Let me reiterate how much this sucked. It SUCKED. No more than an $80 shower was this. The steam room was so hot that it burned your lungs when you walked in, and then the shower was ice cold and I paid for this
When we got off the ship we walked around Key West for a while, had a beer, some conch fritters, and key lime pie. It was too hot and humid so we decided to just go back to the ship and hang out at the pool. No loss though, we've been to Key West before.
A Day at Sea
I so love the days at sea. Nothing planned but to relax. I read and drank cocktails while the Mrs. played bingo and when to an art auction. In the end, that cost almost as much as the cruise itself...
This is the Simon Bull we finally bought.
Grand Cayman
Beautiful water. The bluest water I have ever seen in my life. Other than that, tee shirt and jewelry shops. We had a lunch that seemed reasonably priced until they converted the money
to US $$. I then felt raped. The conch gazpacho was good, but bowl of soup, a plate of jerk chicken (which was awesome BTW), a plate of calamari (all appetizer size), and some fruity Caribbean drink for more than $60. Ouch.
We really didn't see too much of Grand Cayman, just the touristy stuff. Next time it might be nice to venture a bit further into the island and see what it is really like.
We were supposed to swim with the dolphins while we were in Cozumel, but the wether prohibited that. It was so windy that day that it was difficult to even walk. I liked Cozumel in general, what was most annoying was all the people trying to drag you into their stores. One Mexican Minute". Please. And then when you don't buy anything they get nasty. So the Mrs. drug me all over Cozumel all day looking at tee shirts and jewelry, we did have a good lunch dirt cheep though --
six bucks for two beers and appetizers -- sweet! At some point she asks me what time it is, is say "half past over it -- can we go now." Two hours later we find our way back to the ship.
Another Day at Sea
Need I say more?
Castaway Cay
I think the best port of call on the itinerary. Nothing to do but sit on the beach and drink. It was a beautiful day and hang on the beach is exactly what we did. Then we laid in a hammock for a little while.
All in all, this was one of the best vacations on record. Everyone should take a cruise at some point in their lives. I know many will say they get sea sick or whatever, but hey wear one of those patch things behind your ear, and don't think about it -- you'll be fine!